Saturday, June 23, 2007

Joe #2

posted by: Mr. November

It doesn't take a baseball genius to figure out why Joe Girardi turned down the Orioles' managerial job this week. As a Yankees broadcaster, Girardi is tuned into the inner workings of the team, even if it's indirectly. He knows that there is a serious chance that Joe Torre will not make it through the season and that, even if he does, he may not return for 2008.

Joe Torre is a Yankee icon - 4 World Series titles, 11 straight postseason appearances, 2,000 career wins. And this is just on the field. When you consider beating cancer, taking care of his ailing brother, his domestic abuse charity and Subway commercials, Torre's a pretty popular guy to say the least.

But it sure seems like Girardi knows something we don't. Is he sticking around with the hopes of taking over the Yankees managerial icon? It sure looks like a real possibility. And I wouldn't complain.

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